Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Love to Blog!

I'm so excited that so many are jumping on board and supporting the blogging process of keeping in touch!
Sometimes I get sad when I don't know what my family is doing since I'm so far away. So thanks again for keeping me informed.
I love seeing pictures of Mom and Dad posted. I know they are not set up to post for themselves, yet so I love it when others can share what they are doing.


La Familia Mata said...

Here! Here! I wish someone could catch some photos of those Hayes kids!

Dianne said...

Heck yeah! They are all going to be grandpas and grandmas before I get to see them.

Piepee said...

Actually I have some I just haven't finished posting. Yah know being on dial up adding pictures is a long term commitment. But I can say they are growing beautifully. And as always hillarious.