Thursday, April 9, 2009

If I had a hammer...

Dianne visited Iowa and everyone had so much fun playing with her girls and getting to know them again that we forgot to take pictures of them all! OOPS! Maybe the others will forgive me someday. Anyway, these are some of the shots we got of the smallest 4 trying to "build" the dollhouse. They had so much fun. We are sure going to miss them. Especially Maggie and her free flowing comments. She really cracked us up. Reminds us more than a little of some kids we know in Iowa. Emma was just sweet as can be and Dianne, well we always miss you! Maybe Israel can come next time! He is so fun! Poor guy, he always gets left out of the fun. I only wish I had pictures of the beauty shop and the tent of Hannah Montana and the dancing. I think my favorite new Maggieism was I just did a dance to welcome myself here! We will miss you all like crazy.