Monday, March 31, 2008

Prayers Needed

Please continue to remember the Yount's in your prayers as Marianne is still trying to sell her business. The prayers are much needed and I'm sure appreciated.

Friday, March 28, 2008

It is Dry, Dry, Dry.

Brad got it fixed and will finish all the lines when it is time to do the kitchen but no more blow holes in the basement. Yippee. Hopefully, he will still be able to make it home tonight since we have 2 baptisms in the morning. (Maybe we should have just used their basement and killed 2 birds with one stone!) ; )

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Water Pipes

Mom and Dad are having water pipe issues. Brad is trying to sneak them in before he comes back home. They have been without water all afternoon, but seem ok with it. Brad is going back late tonight and will just stay overnight to try to finish it. Wish them all luck. It sounds like they will need it! It is much more involved then previously thought.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Penticoff Family

So here is the most recent photo that anyone now has, that I know of. I believe it was taken in 2003. I understand that Nick is just turning or just turned 16! I can hardly believe it.

More Pictures from Annie's Easter

The kids chipped in and helped wash dishes.

Grandma & Grandpa taking in the scene.

David Terry and his wife came to enjoy the festivities.

Slide Show Update

More pictures have been added to the slide show if anyone is interested.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter in Southern Iowa

Sorry, ditto as last post. I got so caught up in visiting I took NO pictures. We missed family dinner and were sad, but we had a great Pampered Chef Party and had a wonderful Easter Dinner thrown together at the last minute. The Missionaries and a few friends joined us and we just relaxed and watched Easter Dream. I identified so much with the movie as I remember so clearly when Grandma Forsyth died. Oh, how I miss her. The best part of the atonement is knowing we will not be separated for long. I know I will see her again some day and I know that when the big and important events in my life happen, she is there. I love the knowledge that the Gospel gives me and the pure peace that flows into my life as I kneel with my family and watch them grow and prepare. We have incredible children! How pleased our Grandparents must be as they look upon accomplishments of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren and know that their good works and love carries forward and blesses us all. I remember when Grandma Terry lived with us too and her gentleness with us at times and her willingness to teach us and to allow us to wander into her room whenever we so desired. What a great blessing our righteous grandparents have left for us and what big shoes we have left to fill as we try to rear our children in the standards they set and expected us to increase in. I am especially grateful today for temple ties that bind us through the eternities and bring us great joy when we realize we can only be separated by our own stupidity. That when I have recognized that stupidity,I can change it. I pray that we will always have the desire to be with one another and to continue in the great examples we have had in service, love, sacrifice and diligence and faith. Our children and their children will depend on it. I love all you knuckleheads. Thanks for being a good example to everyone.

Easter in Lewiston, UT

So, I have to apologize for the lack of pictures. We got caught up in visiting that I only took maybe 2 pictures. One of them is a funny photo of Maggie stuck in the Bumbo chair.

Anyway, we had lots of fun. Israel, the girls and I came down to Lewiston right after church and met Bart, Lori and the boys at Amanda's house. Amanda made fantastic turkey breast, roasted red potatoes, steamed green beans and yummy strawberry angel food cake. So delicious. I contributed a green salad and Easter rolls. (They are empty inside, just like Jesus' tomb)

We played "Sorry" and Israel and David played pretty neck and neck, but alas Israel beat us all. We competed all the way down to 3rd and 4th place, just so I might have the chance to NOT lose. I was unsuccessful and instead of losing with 3 others I was left to be the LOSER all by myself. But, no worries, I was triumphant in the game of Clue by trumping Israel's suspicions. WooHoo. Thus, it was a good day. Thanks for having us Amanda.

Easter at Annie's

I heard Easter was a success! Wonderful food, fantastic company and a joyful egg hunt. Though Dad said something about a few uninvited egg capers. Spoilers. Anyway, Mom said she enjoyed and I've only heard good things from Susanne, so all must have been well. Sorry to have missed it.

Isn't Nora adorable?

Monday, March 17, 2008

Slide Show

Susanne was kind enough to share some additional pictures with me so I went ahead and edited the slide show. So those of you who can view it, check it out! There are some pictures of Ivan's family too. I sure do miss them.

Sisters 1999

Wow. Look I still had a waistline. Oh how I miss the days!

More Hayes Pictures

Susanne sent me some pictures of the Hayes from this past Christmas.
Aren't they a handsome family??

We love and miss them terribly! Hopefully, they will begin to blog so that we know how they are doing!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Old Man River

Dad had a solo in the Cedar Falls Scout talent show last week. GO DAD! He's always enjoyed singing and sharing it with others.

Deanne accompanied for him.

Hey, Look, Hayes kids!

Boone Train & Carousel

These are fun pictures from August. The Piepers took Grandpa & Grandma on the Boone Train and to the carousel. Looks like they had fun.

Grandpa & Eddie Ray

Grandma gets a kick out of the fact that if Eddie Ray is falling asleep, he will say, "No, I'm just thinking like Grandpa cause we have the same birthday". Apparently, according to Eddie Ray that is also why they both like candy. It's amazing how much those two act alike.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Love to Blog!

I'm so excited that so many are jumping on board and supporting the blogging process of keeping in touch!
Sometimes I get sad when I don't know what my family is doing since I'm so far away. So thanks again for keeping me informed.
I love seeing pictures of Mom and Dad posted. I know they are not set up to post for themselves, yet so I love it when others can share what they are doing.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Introducing Maxwell "Max" Kenneth Caley

Max was born March 5, 2008. He was 20 1/2 inches long, 9lb 7oz. Congratulations Bart, Lori and Caleb!!! He's very handsome and will be loved by many.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Tribute to Annie's

Ode to Annie's
In 1998, our story begins
and ten years later, it sadly ends.

A decade of happiness, Annie's has given
and to many a good way to make a living.
Different employees have come and gone,
Some we felt may have worked here too long!
Most of those by Annie's employed,
their hard work and dedication, we've enjoyed.
Each one brought to this special place
their individual personalities and tastes.
Some brought recipes, others hard work,
for some it was here they first learned to cook!
Cooking and cleaning and serving the guests,
Annie's employees were simply the best!

To compliment the staff of our charming little place
was the great food we served on our plates.
Each day a different special was made,
when ordered, before you a blue plate was laid.

Daily soups were made from scratch,
so tasty the competition could never match!
Hamburger vegetable and creamy potato
never before were such great soups ladled.

Your choices were many when it came to your beverage,
The drinks at Annie's were anything but average.
Fresh berries in your tea or lemonade, often topped the list,
but a Millstream root beer in frosted mug wasn't to be missed.

For our scrumptious salads, we were well known,
employees and even customers came up with their own!
Bartley's and Eric's were among the best,
Yet the Oriental Crunch outsold the rest.

With each salad, our muffins we serve
praise of their own, the muffins deserve.
Different flavors of muffins were made each day
For sure, that day's choices you could never say.
Mandarin orange or pineapple, with sugar on top,
Annie's muffins were simply the cream of the crop!

For lunch, a hamburger or hot dog you could try,
Don't bother asking, we don't sell fries!
A garden burger for those who don't do meat,
our chicken and egg salads were hard to beat!

Before you fill up, make sure you save some space,
The desserts at Annie's are all the craze!
Homemade cheesecake, Chocolate or New York,
So yummy you'll never want to put down your fork!
Our pies were made from scratch,
Decorated cookies sold by the batch.
Whether vanilla or chocolate or twist,
Our frozen yogurt was truly bliss.

Many business lunches, we did cater,
get your food to go, if you don't want to tip the waiter!
Annie's Lil Bits was the place to dine,
Open Monday thru Saturday, nine to five.

Because we once could only seat a few,
Annie's remodeled and was made anew.
A quaint and charming place to eat,
at Annie's friends and family did meet.

Perhaps really the most important part
is the mark Annie's has made on our hearts.
It's been the place to eat for a decade
and where lasting friendships have been made.

Annie's has been a great success,
The boss lady Marianne is simply the best!
To each the memory of Annie's will remain dear,
We thank you Annie's for ten great years!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

A day with Grandpa & Grandma Terry

What an awesome day! We started the morning off with Hartmen Reserve's Syrup making weekend. Grandma was shocked by flying pancakes, the boys thrilled. We got to see the process of Syrup making. Then in the evening the boys made Grandpa & Grandma dinner, followed by FHE. What great night. The Boys made Salad, Chicken Italiano, corn, Bread, and 5 batches of brownies. Lil dan's working on reading a measuring cup. I guess we have a snack for church and daycare, and anyone who stops by.