Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter in Southern Iowa

Sorry, ditto as last post. I got so caught up in visiting I took NO pictures. We missed family dinner and were sad, but we had a great Pampered Chef Party and had a wonderful Easter Dinner thrown together at the last minute. The Missionaries and a few friends joined us and we just relaxed and watched Easter Dream. I identified so much with the movie as I remember so clearly when Grandma Forsyth died. Oh, how I miss her. The best part of the atonement is knowing we will not be separated for long. I know I will see her again some day and I know that when the big and important events in my life happen, she is there. I love the knowledge that the Gospel gives me and the pure peace that flows into my life as I kneel with my family and watch them grow and prepare. We have incredible children! How pleased our Grandparents must be as they look upon accomplishments of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren and know that their good works and love carries forward and blesses us all. I remember when Grandma Terry lived with us too and her gentleness with us at times and her willingness to teach us and to allow us to wander into her room whenever we so desired. What a great blessing our righteous grandparents have left for us and what big shoes we have left to fill as we try to rear our children in the standards they set and expected us to increase in. I am especially grateful today for temple ties that bind us through the eternities and bring us great joy when we realize we can only be separated by our own stupidity. That when I have recognized that stupidity,I can change it. I pray that we will always have the desire to be with one another and to continue in the great examples we have had in service, love, sacrifice and diligence and faith. Our children and their children will depend on it. I love all you knuckleheads. Thanks for being a good example to everyone.


Dianne said...

Thanks for the memories. Sometimes I forget what it was like to have grandparents around, of all of us I had them for such a short time. I miss them. Especially Grandpa. He was my buddy. I used to watch his stories with him at the farm and eat freezer burnt lil debbie snacks. good times, good times.

Frisbies Forever said...

Yep, I remember that too. DQ ice cream after outings with them and taking HOURS to get ready to "Go to town". Peanut Clusters on the table in the crystal candy dish and a breakfast cereal for each grandkid in the hopes we would be spending the night. No wonder food is always the center of our activities!

Piepee said...

I know I miss Grandpa & Grandma sooo much. I love days spent on the farm lost in play. Itreasure the chats we had. And they were such good sports to live through book of Mormon readings, testimonies, primary songs, rock concerts on their porch, plays, and hide and go seek.

Piepee said...

I know I miss Grandpa & Grandma sooo much. I love days spent on the farm lost in play. Itreasure the chats we had. And they were such good sports to live through book of Mormon readings, testimonies, primary songs, rock concerts on their porch, plays, and hide and go seek.