Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Our Sledding Adventure!

We had so much fun! This was Maggie's first time sledding. I know she is 4, but it's hard to sled in the rain of Western Washington and the 60 degree weather of west Texas. We can't wait to get some more snow here in Idaho so she can go again. Also, if it snows maybe it will get WARMER! This 15-20 degree weather is getting to me already! Yowza. Emma had fun, too, going down on our laps. She got pretty cold though, so she and I warmed ourselves in the van with hot cocoa and formula. Separately, of course.

1 comment:

Frisbies Forever said...

We've had so much ice, we haven't got to do much sledding. Slippin' n slidin' yes. Sledding, no. Hot Chocolate is the best after these activities. Hot Cider next.