Sunday, December 9, 2007

Making Christmas Cards For Washington Care Center

We have been busy making Christmas Cards for the Washington Care Center Residents.
We invited some friends to participate in our adventure, IT WAS GREAT! We sang Christmas Carols and hand delivered each card. Some of the residents even joined us going room to room as we visited those who couldn't get up. It was so much fun. It was such a success that we are planning on going Easter Caroling and leaving Easter Eggs or Bunnies that we make as our craft activity. Check out little guy hitching a ride!


Dianne said...

I love to see our family serving others! Thanks for being a great example.

La Familia Mata said...

I love that we are all blogging at the same time! Lori, you do such a great job with your family. You are an inspiration to all with your dedication to service. What a great mom!