Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Grandparents Update

LeVon finally got Mom to send down her computer to Texas. She was careful and put Fragile, This End Up complete with picture drawings. LeVon received it in destruction. He said it looked like someone had dropped it from a 2 story building. So, Mom's computer is gone. He is taking it to the Post Office today for a damage claim. We are thankful for insurance!!! Mom is sad. It was her only copy of Family History. So, when we she settles on a new computer we will have to have Marianne or I load up the info from ours. For some reason they don't think they can share a computer. Dad's could still be hooked up to the internet, but Mom wants her own I guess. Dad is going to the Dr. again today. It wasn't clear why, he came in the house and Mom had to go, he had fallen in the backyard and was all muddy. He had been filling in mudholes? I'm not that sure. This is all I know.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

That's so sad. I was afraid that might happen. Was her hard drive completely destroyed then? It's too bad she won't be able to retrieve the info. It's also too bad they didn't save that info on an external hard drive before the shipment.