Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ivan's tractor

Hope Ivan doesn't mind me sharing.  But this was too cool for me not to share.  He has inspired me.  He like I wants to build a muscle car.  Neither of us can afford it now.  So you see he altered his dream.  Not sure yet how I can alter mine.  I don't want or need a riding lawn mower. lol  But his results were incredible.
I hope Ivan & Chantel realize just how much they mean to our family.  No we don't see them daily.  But when we do the kids and I leave so happy.  Love you.  Wow once again Ivan you did an incredible job!  It is very cool.  But really should we be surprised, remember all the bikes he put together as a kid.  He mostly used spare parts.  And they were very cool in their own right.


Dianne said...

Yeah...spare parts that came off MY BIKE!!! punk. lol! ;)

Piepee said...

too funny Dianne. Anyone know who Steve Finell is?