Friday, July 18, 2008

Do you remember when...

Here's a fun variation to our little game. Post a memory of growing up, family get togethers, or time with Mom & Dad aka Grandpa & Grandma. Leave as many as you wish and I will have them over to read them. Aren't memories great!


Piepee said...

One of my favorite memories is going thru the mountains of Utah with Grandma Terry, Dad hit a bump,
and grandma bounced off the bed on to the floor and back up again. No one could stop laughing. (She was not hurt and was laughing herself) But never before or since have I seen a bounce like that.

I also remember the year I got a turtle stove, Deanne the hippo sink, and Lori the Penguin refridgerator. And imagine we al got in trouble. First Lori put real food away in her fridge, Deanne did dishes in the hippo in our bedroom (wood floors, mom & Dad just were not impressed) Then I tried lighting my stove like mom. Needless to say that is the only kitchen set we ever had that I can remember. But oh how we loved it.

Frisbies Forever said...

I remember watching fireworks at MHI and dust devils on the farm.
I remember the hours spent playing Primary and giving talks and singing songs.
I remember making my first real dinners at the farm and not having a clue how to prepare them and G&G just saying how fabulous it was. I am sure it was since I only used chicken boullion and salt and pepper. That had to have been gross. They acted like it was a meal fit for a King.
I remember Ivan taking apart the little green tractor with a hammer. Somehow I got in trouble with that too for not stopping him. Like I could.
I remember Mom telling Ivan to put the frog he hid in the neighbor's mailbox "UP!" So he threw it in the air and kept saying, "What? It's up. It's up!"
I remember hiding over the heat registers with Ivan and trying to get our faces hot so Mom would give us Baby Bayer because it tasted good.
I remember Dianne and I trading clothes and her eating pizza in an overturned laundry basket. I remember Ivan and Dianne and I making the Diner and serving recipes over the counter and Ivan making different concoctions that sounded disgusting but actually tasted ok.
I remember eating popcorn and watching the muppets.
I remember making Jello Popcorn with Dad and Cinnamon Heart Candy Apples.
I remember watching all the Christmas Movies and the Sound Of Music at Thanksgiving every year as a family.
I remember getting up with Ivan and Dianne every Christmas and trying to cajole all the big kids and parents out of bed every Christmas Morning. Singing room to room Christmas Carols and singing under the Christmas Tree.
I remember falling asleep on Sundays while Marianne played the organ and pretending to stay asleep so she would carry me home. (tee hee)

Piepee said...

I remember playing the stereo real loud lots of times. But one time Dad came home madder than a hornets nest. Because he could hear his stereo on Rainbow drive. He wasn't even impressed with the fact it still had clarity. Then to really tork him off the front window had cracked due to the sound.
I remember waiting on the staircase christmas morning to open gifts. It never happened prior to 7:30. But the tree was always beautiful, and there was always one big gift for the youngest kids unwrapped in front. My favorite had to be Deanne & I's table and chair set. Although the tractor looked cool I was to big to play on it, so not near exciting for me. But that was the year of roller skates, which I loved. I also remember the Year LeVon Jr got Rex Deanne & I are cool stereo. I hope you realize all the hours of enjoyment we got out of that.
What about the Halloween Dad put red light in the kitchen and LeVon Jr stirred the homemade rootberr in our witch's costume.
Iremember Mom making our witch's costumes(They were cool). Marianne did Deanne & I's make up. One had mountains the other fish eyes.
My 8th birthday Marianne took me to Nino's for supper I had 8 kiddie cocktail an 8 oz filet. Then she got me my little green sewing machine. I thought it was the most perfect day ever.
I remember testing the theory of melmec plates. I don't know why after the first one broke that I didn't stop. But Dad's right I took out their whole set.
I also remember Levon & Marianne getting their cars. I thought they were so cool. I have always loved the 73 Monte Carlo since.
Does anyone remember Marianne letting Ivan drive at two. He tried to drive off the bridge. Such Good times for sure.

Dianne said...

Who remembers the time that Ivan buckled himself into his car that was parked in the front yard and couldn't get out? I also remember how he used to drive in a circle around the back forty with his Malibu. Or the many junkyard runs we've made through the years.

I remember jogging to Lori's house when she lived by us. I also remember how she and I used to walk on the trail on the other side of Rainbow Dr.

I remember making sugar cookies and going swimming at Susanne's apartment in Waterloo. And I remember the summer she and I detasseled together. We had ham sandwiches with crushed sour cream and onion chips inside for lunch everyday.

I remember the christmas that dad made the baby cradle with mattress and pillow for me. I was so excited and proud of all the work he put into it just for me.

I remember summertime in the "bubblesuits" with Amanda. I loved my bubble suit. And the year Mom got me the blowup swimming pool that I REALLY wanted for my birthday.

I loved spending the night at Grandpa and Grandma's house at the farm. I remember Grandpa rubbing Grandma's legs for her because they hurt so bad. I remember feeling special because they also had little debbie snacks in the freezer for us kids. And how Grandpa always let us pick out the things we couldn't get at home when we went to Safeway: Cocoa Puffs and Fruit Roll Ups.

I remember getting sick and throwing up spaghetti on Lori.
I remember setting up the living room like a theatre with our kitchen chairs and making popcorn an watching Star Wars. And putting on concerts in front of the stereo with instruments that we made out of cardboard and we used the filter queen vacuum attachment as our microphone.

I remember the big surprise bday party that the family threw for me when I turned 17 and invited a bunch of my friends to the park for volleyball, etc. Even my Dubuque friends. That was so AWESOME!

I remember long drives to Dubuque to go stay with my sisters and play with Amanda. Deanne was so good to drag me back and forth all the time.

I remember sleeping on the hide a bed with Susanne?or Lorianne?? and waking up to find our feet had been tied together with twine by a certain prankster (Ivan) then hearing Mom scream from the kitchen because he had put a rubberband around the sprayer to get us girls wet and got Mom instead. And the time he drank my Dr Pepper and replaced it with water and sand and thought he was SOOO funny. I could go on ALL day.

Frisbies Forever said...

That was me Dianne. Do you remember watching scooby do and Ivan punching us and us not saying anything too much and ignoring him and then he would smack himself and scream and tell Mom we hit him????
Good times, do you remember when I hog tied him because he was such a puke at times and getting in trouble for it?
Do you guys remember walking to Kuehns Park and playing softball and eating donuts a dunkin donuts?
I think Susanne and Marianne usually headed up those summer activities.

Piepee said...

Actually you are both senile. I was back on Vacation as well. I was annoyed with the rope and threw it on Lori, as did Dianne. Lori my dear was the only one who got tangled up! Tee hee!