Saturday, June 14, 2008

Why Iowa is a little difficult to travel and thrive right now.

I took most of these pictures however, some I snagged off google images where I couldn't get to, or their shots were just so much better than mine after I dropped my new camera in the sand.
These are photos from days ago before the levees started giving way. Everything Waterloo had , compounds down here as the Rivers meet here. We have all their flood waters and ours too. So Cedar Rapids is the worst hit yet, with Iowa City coming in a close second. Hurricane Katrina was a 6, this flood has been rated a 5 plus. Does that give you any clue what your neighbors and family are going through? I have been so touched as we extend our hands in service to others by their stories and their ability to look for a positive angle. I have wept as Mom's that are 8 mon pregnant and preparing to move with several children in tow, suddenly are completely wiped out and have no where to stay and their hospital is evacuated. I have been moved as I see people not knowing one another at all, but grabbing shovels and forgetting to even introduce themselves, grab a bag and work in perfect sync as if they had known each other their whole lives. I have seen people lining up for hours to get water, so their babies can have formula because the Mom's are so stressed out they can't nurse anymore. People emailing all across the state looking for clothes to clothe their kids, diapers to change them. Water to buy to drink praying they don't go to a boil order. I have seen churches and youths combine forces and create memories that will last a lifetime as they extend a hand of fellowship. I have seen negativity erase as peoples eyes are opened to what they really have and truly begin to recognize that their kids are safe. Parents are found. Family is located and the rest is sad, but really doesn't matter and recognize they can subsist on a whole lot less than they thought a few weeks ago. I have seen my facebook friends skyrocket as people have begun looking for my family to make sure we are ok, and to see if we can come help them. I am grateful they know to look for us. I wish I could help everyone. I guess I am so grateful to be able to do this. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to help very soon, I pray, in the clean-up process and encourage all of you that can to do so as well. I see very clearly the care and concern and hand of the Lord in all these things and I see His gratitude as some have truly learned to kneel to Him and He has lifted them up and caused them to stand. I have much to be thankful for. When we on the last leg of our sandbagging, you can't see it very well in the picture, but there was a 3 bowed rainbow. It was magnificent! We all looked up around the same time. About 60 of us, and laughed and were in awe at the majesty of it gracing the heavens and the promise that it sealed in our hearts. I think the funniest quote I heard all day long from someone was, "Oh, your LDS? That makes sense. The Catholics send $$ and the Mormons come out and get dirty and bring their own stuff." (We had brought our own gear and reserves to make sure we had everything that was needed.)I am not sure if that was appropriate, but it was kinda funny. Another observation I noticed was I had so many ask why I would bother coming out. It's not my town. We just told them, "But I would want someone to come and help me if it were my home, house, church or water supply. Wouldn't you come help me?" Some people never answered. I found that probably the saddest of all. Most importantly, their were people of every faith out there giving there all and showing the true spirit of Christ, working hand in hand with everyone.


Soccer Angel said...

This has been some crazy weather! But at least everyone is ok!

W said...

OH MY WORD! I was in W'loo still in 93, and I remember how bad it was that year, and this year is SO much worse!!!
Hang in there! We are praying for you!
Sarah (Narum) Williams